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Standards Based Report Cards

Office of Curriculum & Instruction

Stephanie Burroughs, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
[email protected]

Debbie Marcelonis
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent
[email protected]

Overview of Standards Based Report Cards

Standards Based Report Cards provide more clarity for students and families by providing greater detail on what the individual standards are for each subject and grade level. In Foxborough, our report card standards are based on end-of-year benchmarks that have been identified from the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. It is our expectation that our students need a full year to achieve the grade level expectation for each standard. 

For all grade levels and marking periods, we employ the following scale to communicate your student's progress toward mastery of the grade level standard:





The student demonstrates an in-depth understanding beyond the grade level expectations at this time. Performance is characterized by the application of skills with consistent accuracy, independence, and a high level of quality.




The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of grade level expectations at this time. Performance is characterized by the application of skills with accuracy and quality. The student may require occasional support and direction.





The student demonstrates a developing understanding of grade level expectations at this time. Performance is characterized by the application of skills and strategies with support and direction.




The student inconsistently demonstrates the application of grade level expectations at this time. Performance is characterized by limited application of skills and strategies and requires considerable support and direction.

For each marking period, your student's score is reflective of where they are at this point in time in relation to end-of-year benchmarks. For example, if your student receives a score of a 3 it means they have demonstrated mastery of the end-of-year standard. It is not the expectation that your student would have demonstrated mastery on an end-of-year standard part way through the academic year. 

As always, it is important that you reach out to your student's teacher with any questions about their progress in class. 

K-5 Sample Report Cards


 Second Grade

Fourth Grade

 First grade

Third Grade

Fifth Grade