A Message from the Committee
We, the members of the Foxborough School Committee, are directly responsible to the citizens of our town. Our purpose is to oversee the process that will give our children the very best education possible. We are dedicated to striving for excellence in education, while working within the strict parameters which frame public education. We believe each child can learn and deserves every opportunity which Foxborough can offer. We are proud of our schools and those who work with us to educate our children.
The School Committee members are elected for 3 year terms. We welcome your input, questions and suggestions and invite you to contact us for any information regarding the Foxborough Public Schools. School related comments and/or suggestions may be made through our Community Inbox. If you desire to be on a list which receives school committee information and documents, please send your name, street address and email address to [email protected]
Student Learning Time Amendment - Public Comment
Pursuant to its authority under M.G.L. c. 69, §§ 1B and 1G, and in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, M.G.L. c. 30A, § 3, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) is soliciting public comment on emergency amendments to 603 CMR 27.00, Student Learning Time Regulations. The information to provide public comment can be found here:
https:///www.doe.mass.edu/news/news.aspx?id=26294 The deadline for submission of public comment is January 29, 2021. The Board is expected to vote on the proposed permanent regulations at its regular monthly meeting in February 2021.